In accordance with it, the mediators of the Solis Mediation Center will practice non-commercial mediation through the HSE Legal Clinic, hold mediation events (conferences, seminars, business games).
HSE students will be able to study mediation on the example of specific cases and business games conducted by our mediators.
To resolve the conflict through the HSE Legal Clinic, you can contact the clinic website: or at email:
Each case for non-commercial mediation is considered individually. Such cases can be, for example (the list is open):
- conflict concerning people with disabilities, children, socially vulnerable groups of people, refugees,
- a conflict related to the socially significant activities of the enterprise or a socially significant project,
- conflict of an individual with a private enterprise or with a state body concerning a significant violation of rights, causing harm to health (with a significant imbalance, inequality of positions of the parties),
- conflict related to the activities of a start-up or small business.