
A Methodological Guide for a Judge on the Appointment of Mediation

The Solis Mediation Center issued a methodological guide for judges on the appointment of mediation.

The guide was prepared by Kirill Besedin, Veronika Demidova, Ekaterina Kutelnikova, Anna Saakyan, Ekaterina Samtsova, and Sergey Filin. The general editing of the guide was performed by Natalia Frolova and Daria Zhdan-Pushkina.

The guide is available in pdf format here:

We hope that the printed version will be presented on 1 November 2024, at the Conference on the Settlement of Corporate disputes, and will be given to mediators of the Solis Mediation Center for work in court.

The guide may be useful to you if you work in court and you need to give the judge short and clear material explaining the principles of mediation. Even if you are not a member of the Solis Mediation Center, you can contact us and order the manual in the required number of copies fat the price of printing in a printing house.