+7 (921) 586 38 95
YOB: 1993
Nationality: Russia
Working languages: Russian, English
Mediator Status: Professional mediator since 2015 (Group conflict mediation course from Alexander Redlich at St. Petersburg State University and Basic mediation course at SPb GBU SCSP "CONTACT")
Qualifications: Psychologist (2015), PhD in Psychology (2022)
Ulyana works as an organizational psychologist and industry analyst in a Japanese IT company and as a Scrum Master in a Russian IT company. In addition, Ulyana is a researcher at the Faculty of Psychology at St. Petersburg State University and a lecturer in negotiation and mediation disciplines.
Ulyana is an expert in resolving family, work and school conflicts. For the last six years, Ulyana has been specializing in the prevention and resolution of conflict situations, as well as in creating an effective corporate culture in innovative teams of IT companies.
Ulyana is the author of more than 30 scientific publications in the field of social psychology, mediation and negotiations. In 2022, she defended her thesis as a candidate of psychological sciences on the topic “Socio-psychological features of the professional activity of a mediator”.
St. Petersburg State University. Bachelor of Psychology, 2015
St. Petersburg State University. Master in Social and Political Psychology, 2017
St. Petersburg State University. Research Psychologist, 2020
St. Petersburg State University. PhD in Psychology, 2022
St. Petersburg State University: advanced training “Course on mediation of group conflicts” from Alexander Redlikh, 2015
St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution GCSP "CONTACT": advanced training "Mediation, basic course 120 hours", 2018
ANO Center for Assessment and Development of Project Management: PM STANDARD, Basic level, 2021
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation, 2023
Selected speeches at conferences
Conflictology of the XXI Century. Ways and Means to Strengthen Peace, October 2019
Satisfaction with a career as a factor in the professional success of a mediator
Current Issues of Conflictology, November 2019
The role of the conflictologist and mediator in the modern healthcare system
Mediation as a Way to Resolve Conflicts Involving Minors (in Memory of Olga Viktorovna Allahverdova), November 2020
Features of the organization of mediation in determining the order of communication with children